Green Innovations we need on a Big Scale

Green Innovations we need on a Big Scale

Bill Gates, known as the principal founder of Microsoft Corporation, established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the largest foundation in the world active in medical research and theimprovement of living conditions, promoting change necessary for global development.

In this conversation with Bruno Giussani, international curator of TED, are presented the innovations necessary to avoid climate and environmental collapse.

The most important thing, says Bill Gates, is to reduce carbon pollution to zero from the current 51 billion tons per year.

In order to do that, we need to increase the research and innovation budget for environmental-related projects. In his latest book “How to avoid a climate disaster” he says that we must consume “more energy” because this resource should be available and accessible to all human beings, but with zero emissions and zero environmental consequences. By introducing “Green Premium” – the highest price of zero-emission products such as electric cars, artificial meat or sustainable aviation fuel – Gates identifies the breakthroughs and investments we need to reduce the cost of clean technology, decarbonise the economy and create a path to a clean and prosperous future for all.

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