Cookie Policy

(Information compliant with the Guarantor Provision for the Protection of Personal Data 8.5.2014 n. 229)
Yes, please note that this website uses cookies in order to make its services as efficient and easy to use as possible. This site uses technical cookies, which can be used without requesting the user’s consent as they are strictly necessary for the provision of the service, and third-party analytical cookies, provided by the Google Analytics service.
By using this site, you declare that you accept and consent to the use of cookies in accordance with the terms of use of cookies expressed in this document.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text strings that the website visited by the user sends to his browser or mobile device. Cookies are stored by the latter, and are re-transmitted to the site at the user’s next visit. By browsing the site, the user may also receive cookies sent from different sites or web servers (so-called “third parties”), on which some elements may reside (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages other domains) present on the site the user is visiting
Types of cookies
Cookies can be divided into the following categories:
Technical cookies
Technical cookies are those used for the sole purpose of allowing correct navigation and use of the site. In the absence of these cookies the site or some portions of it may not function properly. Therefore they are always used, regardless of user preferences. Cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies.
Technical cookies can be divided into:

  • – Browsing and session cookies
  • – Functionality cookies
  • – Analytical cookies

Navigation and session cookies guarantee correct navigation and use of the site. For example, they allow authentication and access to restricted areas.
Functionality cookies allow the user to navigate according to the criteria he has selected, for example the language, in order to improve the service.
Analytical cookies (or “analytics cookies”) are used to collect information in aggregate and anonymous form on the use of the site and user activity, for example the number of connected users and the pages visited.
The Owner uses this information for statistical analysis, to improve the site and simplify its use, and to monitor its correct functioning.
Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies allow the collection of information on the use of the site by the individual user, allowing the creation of specific user profiles. They are frequently used for promotional purposes and advertising messages.
Given the particular invasiveness that these may have in the private sphere of users, it is required that the user is adequately informed about their use and can express their consent or refusal to use them. This site does not use profiling cookies.
Google Analytics
The site uses the Google Analytics service to analyze the use of the site by users. Google Analytics is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses proprietary cookies to allow the website to analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored on Google servers in the United States. Google (independent data controller) will use this information for the purpose of tracking and examining your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for website operators and providing other services relating to website activity and use. of the Internet. Google may also transfer this information to third parties where this is required by law or where such third parties process the aforementioned information on behalf of Google. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. You can refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate setting on your browser, but this may prevent you from using all the features of this website. For further information, please consult Google’s privacy policy available at:
Check the installation of Cookies
The User can manage preferences relating to Cookies directly within their browser and preventking – for example – that third parties can install them. Through the browser preferences it is also possible to delete Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookie in which the consent to the installation of Cookies by this site is possibly saved. It is important to note that by disabling all Cookies, the functioning of this site may be compromised.
The User can find information on how to manage Cookies in his browser at the following addresses:

In the case of services provided by third parties, the User can also exercise their right to object to tracking by inquiring through the privacy policy of the third party by contacting them directly.
Data controller
The Data Controller is TERAPLAST SPA.

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